Hopetoun Falls visited on a Chasing Waterfalls trip to Apollo Bay

Hopetoun Falls, Beech Forest, Great Otway National Park, Apollo Bay – Victoria, Australia

Hopetoun Falls are another gem in the Great Otways. Just a 15 minute drive on from Beauchamp Falls

Hopetoun Falls visited on a Chasing Waterfalls trip to Apollo Bay

When I visited Hopetoun Falls, I was coming from Skenes Creek. This meant that Beauchamp Falls were my first stop along the way. To get to Beauchamp Falls, I travelled along Binns Road, which came off Beech Forest-Mount Sabine Road. Eventually, Binns Road came to a fork, where the below signs were displayed.

Beauchamp Falls are accessed by continuing straight (or veering slightly left) onto what is known as Flannagan Road. However, to the right is a continuation of Binns Road – and the way to Hopetoun Falls.

After 4.2kms along the windy, mostly unsealed and potholey Binns Road, I saw this sign. In fact, I almost drove straight passed it.

However, here I had to take a sharp right (almost a U-Turn) onto Hopetoun Falls Road. Though there are a few signs to help out.

Right U-Turn from Binns Road to Hopetoun Falls Road

Hopetoun Falls Road is short and soon reaches the carpark. The carpark is very small and has unmarked spaces, so prepare for difficulty if it’s busy.

There is no camping permitted at Hopetoun Falls. The only facilities available are picnic tables.

But that didn’t phase me. I was just happy that I arrived in the right place.

I walked along the wet gravel of the carpark and came to the first lookout extremely quickly. 

Through the thick trees and many, many meters below, I could just make out the top of the falls roaring into the valley.

Unsatisfied with this view, I began the descent.

And a descent it was! Even with sections of flat path in between, shown in the below picture.

Sure enough, another staircase would appear. 

Bear in mind this was my third consecutive day of hiking. Safe to say my legs were cramping with each step.

Though parts of the track were flat and concrete.

While other parts were boardwalks.

I pushed on, eager to get to the falls. I then came across a sign that made me jittery with excitement, despite my exhaustion.

I can’t explain to you how much I want to see a platypus in the wild. Spoiler alert: I’ve never seen one. But keep on the lookout because you never know!

Finally, I reached the bottom of the falls. I won’t lie, I was exhausted. I wasn’t ready to get my tripod out all over again and set up my camera. 

Luckily, other tourists came down the stairs and admired the falls, so I had some time to rest, be patient and wait for them to leave. And then, the sun peeked through the clouds and shone down on the scene in front of me; making the fallen trees sparkle. I snapped this shot, and my exhaustion dissipated into the breeze. 

With my fresh new energy, I walked back to the beginning of the viewing platform and carefully slid my way down a muddy bank on the side of the track. I ducked under the bridge and trudged carefully through lethally slippery mud. Eventually I made my way closer to the river. It was there I found a spot of gushing water to snap some more pics. 

As I took the above shot, some people appeared from thick greenery nearby. They told me that if you ventured into the fallen trees and moss where they had been, you could get a clearer view of the falls. 

So typically, off I went. 

They were right, obviously. But by no means was this easy to find. I had to climb over risky fallen logs and duck under some wet tree branches. Worth it? Absolutely. 

I also love the way that photography can express completely different aspects, or moods, of a place based on your technique. It’s quite telling of our own mixed emotions and ever-changing states. The above shot shows the sheer power and dark, gloomy perspective of the falls.

And yet, I also saw an elegance in them. A beauty in the spots of green moss and slimy rocks beneath the silky gush of water. 

Hopetoun Falls are definitely a special spot, and I will be back. 

But, like all places, I had to leave. It was time to head on to Triplet Falls. Head there with me!

Quick Facts

Last visitSeptember 2017
Best TimeJune-September 
Start / FinishHopetoun Falls
Unsealed RoadsYes, average condition but manageable with 2WD
Walking distance1km return
Time1hr return (ish)
DifficultyModerate, lots of steep stairs
FacilitiesPicnic Tables
Lat & Long38.6684° S, 143.5679° E 
NearbyBeauchamp Falls, Triplet Falls, Little Aire Falls 
WatercourseAire River

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  1. […] It wasn't all sunshines and rainbows, though. The looming ascent was still ahead of me. Safe to say I was gasping for air once I returned to the car. But after a short recovery, I was headed to Hopetoun Falls – click here to head there with me! […]

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